• Maximize Your Mascara

Mascara does so many wonderful things for your eyes!  In our opinion it’s a must have step for even the most basic make-up look. Applied properly, mascara (assuming you have applied your under-eye-concealer!), plus a little lip gloss, can be all you need for a look on the go.  Try these five tips to maximize your mascara!

  1. Quality mascara doesn’t always cost more! We have tried a variety of mascaras ranging from the most expensive make-up counter brands to brands found at our local drug store, and honestly, we found one of our favorite go-to brands at the latter.  This is an important point leading to our next tip…
  2. Spring for a fresh tube as often as necessary.  A fresh tube of mascara helps to avoid a few major mascara mishaps.  An old tube of mascara can get dry and clumpy and that’s exactly how it will look on your lashes.  An empty tube will make it difficult to get enough mascara on your brush to maximize the look.  Applying mascara can be tricky enough without adding additional obstacles.  So do yourself a favor and keep it fresh!
  3. The application brush is round for a reason.  We know, this is one of the tricky parts but it makes a world of difference! Connect with your lashes from the top and apply in a circular or curling motion to the tip.  Perfecting this process will ensure a smooth and even mascara application and curl your lashes at the same time.  If you get this right, unless you have particularly straight or pesky lashes, you can skip the eyelash curler for a look on the go.
  4. Pump up the volume with Primer.  Primer serves as a base coat so it makes your mascara look thicker and last longer.  Definitely a win win! However, if you are trying to cut costs on product purchases or save space in your make-up bag, you can get a similar effect by applying two coats of mascara.  If you choose this option, you have to move fast because once the first coat dries, it’s almost impossible to apply a second coat.  Whichever option you choose, we are sure you will agree that two coats are better than one.
  5. Don’t skip the bottom lashes.  Yes, they are smaller and often difficult to see, but that’s more reason to give them a little extra love! Bottom lashes can be another tricky part of the process but totally worth the extra effort, making for a more complete and higher impact look. We recommend turning the brush vertically (unlike the horizontal position used for the top lashes) and using the tip to gently feather across the bottom lashes.

Perfect mascara takes some practice so don’t fret if it takes you a couple of tries to master.  Let us know what you think of these tips and share some of your own!

Zyn Beauty

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